-- JSON module extracted from ITU-T Y.4473 (08/2020)

//Example 33 - An example ObservedProperties collection of the above MultiDatastream: //Note that the order of the elements in the value array match the order of the related Observations/result array as well as the order of the related unitOfMeasurements array. { "value": [ { "@iot.id": 1, "@iot.selfLink": "http://example.org/v1.0/ObservedProperties(1)", "Datastreams@iot.navigationLink": "ObservedProperties(1)/Datastreams", "MultiDatastreams@iot.navigationLink": "ObservedProperties(1)/ MultiDatastreams", "description": "The dew point is the temperature at which the water vapor in a sample of air at constant barometric pressure condenses into liquid water at the same rate at which it evaporates. At temperatures below the dew point, water will leave the air.", "name": "Dew point temperature" }, { "@iot.id ": 2, "@iot.selfLink": "http://example.org/v1.0/ObservedProperties(2)", "Datastreams@iot.navigationLink": "ObservedProperties(2)/Datastreams", "MultiDatastreams@iot.navigationLink": "ObservedProperties(2)/ MultiDatastreams", "description": "Relative humidity (abbreviated RH) is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at the same temperature.", "name": "Relative Humidity" }, { "@iot.id": 3, "@iot.selfLink": "http://example.org/v1.0/ObservedProperties(3)", "Datastreams@iot.navigationLink": "ObservedProperties(3)/Datastreams", "MultiDatastreams@iot.navigationLink": "ObservedProperties(3)/MultiDatastreams", "description": "Visibility is a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned. ", "name": "Visibility (Weather)" } ] }